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Speaking Events & Media

Appearances at events, on TV and in online interviews, podcasts & series.

video "No news topic is irrelevant to audiences. There are topics which are covered in an irrelevant way."

"No news topic is irrelevant to audiences. There are topics which are covered in an irrelevant way."

11 July, 2023

In this interview a journalist from - the most influential online news provider in Bulgaria - interviewed Luba Kassova about the reasons behind audiences' declining engagement with news and how news genres should be covered to attract wider audiences. 

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video 25 online news conference keynote speech 25 online news conference keynote speech

11 July, 2023 - the most influential online news provider in Bulgaria - invited Luba Kassova to deliver a keynote speech at their inaugural digital news conference in Sofia. She reflected on why Bulgarians, as well as global audiences, are turning away from the news and what news providers can do to revitalise journalism.

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audio Люба Късова: Журналистите възпроизвеждат един мъжки свят

Люба Късова: Журналистите възпроизвеждат един мъжки свят

20 June, 2023

In this radio interview, Iva Doychinova - a prominent radio journalist and presenter in Bulgaria - interviews Luba Kassova about the key findings in her multi-award-winning Missing Perspectives reports, with a particular focus on how marginalised women have been in the news for decades and how to amplify their voices to disrupt the men's world that the news reflects.

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audio ‘Culturally, women’s voices are missing in the entire news value chain’

‘Culturally, women’s voices are missing in the entire news value chain’

20 June, 2023

Luba Kassova and Richard Addy spoke to All Indians Matter about how the Indian media can address the extraordinary gender imbalance in Indian news along the whole news value chain anchoring the evidence and recommendations on the third report in the Missing Perspectives of Women in News series: From Outrage to Opportunity, which examines the status quo in India, Kenya, Nigeria, South Africa, The UK and the US.

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video How including the missing perspectives of women of all colours in news can revitalise the news industry

How including the missing perspectives of women of all colours in news can revitalise the news industry

20 June, 2023

Luba Kassova ran a session at the International Journalism Festival in Perugia about how including the missing perspectives of women of all colours in news can revitalise the news industry. She brought together senior editors from prominent outlets in the US, UK and Kenya, as well as the lead researcher for From Outrage to Opportunity Richard Addy, to share their valuable perspectives for how to make journalism more inclusive and equitable.

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video The state of gender journalism around the world: challenges, approaches and opportunities

The state of gender journalism around the world: challenges, approaches and opportunities

20 June, 2023

Megan Clement ran a session at the International Journalism Festival about the state of gender journalism around the world: the challenges, approaches and opportunities. Luba Kassova participated as a panelist focusing on highlighting the recent global resistance to gender equality, the extraordinary challenges that women of colour face in journalism and how journalists should make the business case for covering more gender-centric stories.

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podcast Designing for Diversity: Session 4 – The Media

Designing for Diversity: Session 4 – The Media

27 March, 2023

The news media has an important role to play in bridging division to create much needed unity in the world. How newsmakers frame the news and whose stories they tell, is critical for who is heard and who is left out from the news. To facilitate intercultural exchange the news has to give voice to different groups equitably. But does it? To ponder these questions the Aspen Institute UK brought together distinguished thinkers: Marcus Ryder MBE, Meera Selva and Andrea Medrado. Luba moderated the discussion.

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interview Unravelling the quadruple bind faced by women of colour in news and journalism

Unravelling the quadruple bind faced by women of colour in news and journalism

18 January, 2023

In an interview with Fiona Tatton for Womanthology, Luba Kassova reflects on her career, work with news organisations, the findings of her latest Missing Perspectives report From Outrage to Opportunity, and the importance of amplifying the voices of women of colour.

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video How to produce more gender-equitable coverage

How to produce more gender-equitable coverage

09 December, 2022

Watch this webinar, organised by the International Center for Journalists (ICFJ), centred around the findings of From Outrage to Opportunity. Presented by Luba Kassova, it examines the importance of gender/racial diversity and inclusion in news reporting for producing more equitable news coverage.

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video How including the missing perspectives of women of all colours in news can revitalise the news industry

How including the missing perspectives of women of all colours in news can revitalise the news industry

07 December, 2022

In this seminar, organised by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism and moderated by Mitali Mukherjee (Director of Journalist Programmes), Luba Kassova and Richard Addy take the audience of journalists through key insights from the ground-breaking From Outrage to Opportunity report. The discussion focuses on how to include the missing perspectives of women of all colours along the whole news value chain and how doing this can revitalise the news industry.

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