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Speaking Events & Media

Appearances at events, on TV and in online interviews, podcasts & series.

interview A chat with the authors of From Outrage to Opportunity

A chat with the authors of From Outrage to Opportunity

30 November, 2022

Massi Colonna and Jeremy Doran from Internews – the launch partner for From Outrage to Opportunity - sit down with the author Luba Kassova and quantitative research lead Richard Addy to hear more about their experience of researching the issues contained in the report and the process that led to its writing.

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video From Outrage to Opportunity: launch event

From Outrage to Opportunity: launch event

29 November, 2022

Watch the inaugural launch event of From Outrage to Opportunity, supported by Internews as a launch partner and moderated by Internews President and CEO Jeanne Bourgault. The launch features lead author Luba Kassova and quantitative research lead Richard Addy, alongside five distinguished panellists: Miguel Castro (Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation), Shereen Bhan (Managing Editor of CNBC-TV18); Amanda Barrett (President and Head of News Audience at the Associated Press), Qaanitah Hunter (Assistant Editor at News 24); and Jane Barrett (Global Editor for Media News Strategy at Reuters).

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video Journalism and the Climate Crisis eSummit. Overcoming obstacles: How to keep climate change on the front page and audiences interested in the climate change story

Journalism and the Climate Crisis eSummit. Overcoming obstacles: How to keep climate change on the front page and audiences interested in the climate change story

02 March, 2022

In this session which was part of the Journalism and the Climate Crisis eSummit organised by WAN-IFRA | The World Editors Forum, Luba Kassova, Richard Addy from AKAS, Meera Selva from RISJ and Jane Barrett from Thomson Reuters discuss how news organisations could bring the climate change story, currently on the periphery of news, to the front page and how they can engage their news audiences with the story. Luba and Richard present four gaps between what audiences may want from the story and what news coverage provides. They also focus on three key biases that work against us when it comes to tackling the climate crisis.

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podcast A Chat with Luba Kassova about Missing Perspectives of Women in News

A Chat with Luba Kassova about Missing Perspectives of Women in News

12 February, 2022

After coming across The Missing Perspectives of Women in News and in COVID-19 News reports, Phoebe Saintilan decided to launch the Missing Perspectives global platform whose mission is to drive social impact through challenging the underrepresentation of young women in news worldwide. In this podcast Phoebe and Hannah Diviney, Editor-in-Chief of the Missing Perspectives news platform, sat down with Luba Kassova to talk about the landmark reports. From women's underrepresentation as protagonists and experts in the news; their frequently skewed portrayal as disempowered; to women's marginalised voices in stories about violence against them, Luba, Phoebe and Hannah cover numerous aspects of the problem, as well as many solutions available to newsmakers who want to produce more gender equitable news coverage.

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podcast Data Stories: Leaders at Work - Luba Kassova. Evoking empathy and compassion through the power of stories

Data Stories: Leaders at Work - Luba Kassova. Evoking empathy and compassion through the power of stories

11 November, 2021

In this podcast Rahul Jerome is in conversation with Luba about her life and career journey which has led her to living her passion for purpose-led evidence-inspired writing. They discuss the power of storytelling which is anchored in human stories and in data findings. Luba shares her advice for anyone who has suffered imposter syndrome which slows them down or prevents them from transitioning careers. Among other things they also talk about the power of stories in bridging polarised views through evoking empathy and compassion.

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video Women are missing from most COVID-19 news stories. Here’s how to change this

Women are missing from most COVID-19 news stories. Here’s how to change this

07 October, 2020

A session dedicated to Luba Kassova's "The Missing Perspectives of Women in COVID-19 news", where she outlines how women are overlooked in coronavirus news stories and what to do about it.

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video The missing perspectives of women in COVID-19 news

The missing perspectives of women in COVID-19 news

15 December, 2020

In this TED talk, Luba Kassova explores to what extent the voices of women in six countries across the world - Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa, India, the UK, and the US - find expression in the news on important matters, including how COVID-19 impacts their lives.

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interview Female voices "drowned out" in reporting on COVID-19, report finds

Female voices "drowned out" in reporting on COVID-19, report finds

24 September, 2020

A Guardian article including an interview with Luba, which focuses on Luba's "The Missing Perspectives of Women in COVID-19 News" publication.

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interview Missing Perspectives: How women are left out of the news

Missing Perspectives: How women are left out of the news

02 December, 2020

Susan Byrnes, Chief Communications Officer at the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation interviews Luba about her work on women's representation and portrayal in the news.

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video Speakers in Women’s Commission explore role of gender-sensitive COVID-19 response plans in creating more resilient, inclusive communities

Speakers in Women’s Commission explore role of gender-sensitive COVID-19 response plans in creating more resilient, inclusive communities

10 July, 2021

Luba Kassova presents at the United Nations Commission on the Status of Women, where she argues that women's representation in news media must improve in the future.

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